Lawn Dethatching


What are the benefits of lawn dethatching?
Dethatching removes the build-up of debris between your grass and soil, allowing air, water and nutrients to reach the soil and nourish the grass, therefore stimulating new growth. Reducing thatch also allows for better drainage, reducing the chance of fungal issues in your roots. What’s more, dethatching is much faster and costs significantly less than a brand new lawn.
Does my lawn need dethatching?
There are few ways to assess whether your lawn needs dethatching. The most obvious is to take a look at your lawn – is it green on the top, but brown underneath? It’s easiest to check when your lawn is freshly mown. Another way to check is whether your lawn feels spongy underfoot. You can also examine the health of your lawn. Are excessive amounts of roots starting to develop? This might indicate that your lawn is producing more than it can absorb.
How often will I need grass slashing?
If you keep on top of your lawn maintenance, it shouldn’t need to be slashed at all. You can organise regular gardening or lawn mowing services with Jim’s Mowing.
How much thatch is considered okay?
A thin layer of thatch is considered to be okay, as it protects your roots from the hot and cold, and losing water through evaporation. A layer of 1cm thick is considered ideal to keep your lawn healthy.
What causes thatch accumulation?
Thatch accumulation has various causes, including poorly aerated soil, excessive nitrogen or pesticide levels, and too much water. Our lawn care experts get the balance right between all these elements, so you can sit back and relax.
When is the best time for dethatching lawns?
Dethatching lawns is best for when weather promotes rapid recovery of your grass, which is typically from late spring to early summer, before weeds have the opportunity to grow. Dethatching too late into the season will mean your lawn doesn’t have the chance to recover before winter and will damage your lawn. Speak with a Jim’s Mowing expert if you are unsure.
Should you dethatch all types of grass?
Dethatching is best reserved for warm-season grass varieties, such as Buffalo, Kikuyu, Couch and Zoysia.
How do I reduce future thatch accumulation?
You can reduce the accumulation of thatch by making sure not to over-fertilise or overwater your lawn, as this will cause the grass to grow at too fast a rate. This is particularly important with high-nitrogen fertilisers. You should also maintain appropriate soil pH and regularly aerate your lawn to ensure there’s space for new growth. Worms are also a great way to naturally rescue the buildup of thatch, so be sure not to overdo it with pesticides.
What’s the difference between lawn aeration and dethatching?
Aeration refers to loosening compacted soil, whereas dethatching is removing the dead layer of organic matter. Both work to help water, light and nutrients nourish your lawn.
Should I dethatch or aerate my lawn first?
It’s easiest to aerate your lawn straight after dethatching, as you’ll be able to reach the soil having created the space. For best results, you can then top dress, overseed and water your lawn!
Can I do lawn dethatching myself?
Although dethatching a lawn isn’t complicated, it can be physically demanding and time-consuming, particularly for larger lawns or those with a thick thatch layer that hasn’t been attended to in years.
What are the benefits of using professional lawn dethatching services?
Lawn dethatching specialists have the necessary equipment to complete the job swiftly, particularly if you’re already engaging them for other gardening services. Professionals who are familiar with power tools are less likely to harm your lawn.
How much do lawn dethatching services cost?
The exact cost of your lawn dethatching will depend on the size of your lawn, current condition, and other lawn and garden care services you may also require. To receive a free quote specific to your garden, fill out our quote form or give us a call on 131 546
Is Jim’s Mowing insured?
Yes, every team member of Jim’s Mowing is fully insured, police checked and highly trained to give you the peace of mind that your lawns are in the hands of professionals.
Does Jim’s Mowing offer more than just lawn dethatching?
At Jim’s Mowing, we cater for all your gardening needs thanks to our wide range of services. You can also book your gardening, mowing and ride-on mowing, garden landscaping, rubbish removal, gutter cleaning, hedge trimming, commercial lawn & garden services and lawn aeration with Jim’s.

Not just mowing