Six Simple Ideas For Your Raised Bed Garden
Whether filled with herbs and veggies or spilling over with brightly-coloured annuals, raised garden beds can make a fantastic addition to an outdoor area. They can be made out of many different materials for different looks and styles. You may like to build a raised garden bed to repurpose some materials after a renovation or create a bed from new items found at your local hardware store.
A raised garden bed has many benefits. You place the soil in the beds, so you can choose the exact type of soil and combination of compost, mulch, and anything else that goes into it. This also means you can pick a type of soil specifically formulated for the type of plants you’ll be growing.
In today’s blog, we cover a few different raised garden bed ideas that you might like to implement in your outdoor space.
Possibly the most popular material for creating raised planters, timber can be used to create many different styles of garden beds. Make a simple, square raised garden bed for your favourite veggies with four planks of wood, or create something a little more complex with multiple tiers. This material allows you to choose the size and shape of the planter you’ll be creating. Timber is relatively easy to work with, weather-resistant (when treated) and affordable. There are many types of timber to choose from, so you can pick a style that suits the aesthetic of your garden.
A raised planter can be made from bricks. Whether you want to build a single garden bed, or multiple throughout your garden, a planter made from bricks can be a great addition to your outdoor area. Similar to timber, there are many types of bricks to choose from. From concrete bricks through to burnt clay bricks and double meridians. Concrete bricks can be combined to build large raised garden beds, or used individually to house smaller plants such as flowers and strawberries within their wide spaces. A simple, rectangular garden bed can be built from burnt clay bricks. You may like to create an in-built seat from bricks for easy gardening in your raised garden beds, too. The possibilities are endless!
Beds with lattice
Lattice can be attached to garden beds to encourage plants to grow upwards. This can be great for vines, while also bringing extra levels to your garden. Place lattice in your vegetable garden bed to support snow peas and tomatoes as they grow. You can make your own lattice from wood or metal, or buy pre-made lattice for your garden beds.
Repurposed items
If you’re after a cheap raised garden bed, repurposing garden materials could be one way to create something unique and save money. Lots of different materials can be used to create garden beds, and you can really let your imagination run wild! You may like to repurpose old milk crates, bricks, doors, pallets, or tyres. Giving old items a second life is a fantastic, sustainable way to create a raised garden bed. Start off small and before you know it you may have a yard filled with interesting repurposed raised planters (and a myriad of plants within them, of course!).
Garden bed on legs
If you’re wanting your raised garden bed to be off the ground, you may like to make one that’s on legs. A garden bed on legs means it has no soil that directly connects to the ground, which is great for those who wish to keep their plants away from hungry insects that live underground. Having a garden bed on legs can also make it easier to reach and saves you bending all the way down to do planting or harvesting. A garden bed on legs is a great option for herbs, small veggies such as carrots and onions and flowers.
Purchased garden beds
For those who aren’t very handy, there’s always the option of purchasing a pre-made garden bed for plants. These can be made from metal, plastic, or wood, and are available in a range of different shapes and sizes. A pre-made garden bed can save you time spent building, but it may end up costing a little more than homemade options. This choice can therefore be good for those who aren’t too worried about finding a cheap raised garden bed, and would like to begin planting their plants straight away.
There are so many different types of raised garden beds to choose from. You might like to repurpose some items you have around the home such as tyres and pallets, or build something from scratch using bricks. Alternatively, you may wish to purchase a pre-made garden bed that’s ready to go, so you can begin creating your planted garden. Whatever you choose, raised garden beds can be a fun way to add extra plants to your outdoor space, allowing you to easily grow your favourite veggies, plants, and flowers.