Okay, so we know travelling overseas is pretty much out of the picture for the time being, but that doesn’t mean you can’t build a tropical garden in your own yard! If you’re missing tropical holidays, a tropical garden of your own could be a great way to create a relaxing space at home. But, how do you make a tropical garden?
Today we cover a few things to think about if you are planning a tropical garden design.
Choosing your tropical plants
There are many different tropical garden plants to choose from when building your own tropical garden. This variety gives you plenty of choice, and you can pick plants that suit your aesthetic and the amount of upkeep you think you can maintain. You’ll likely want a combination of plants at different heights to create a look of levels in your garden. Some examples of tropical plants include:
Elephant ears
These wonderful plants are a sight to behold. Their large leaves bear a resemblance to the ears of an elephant and are great as a focal plant. Elephant ears come in a range of different colours and sizes, allowing you to pick whichever variety best-suits your new tropical garden. These tropical plants can be grown in shade or filtered sun, which is great news for those with gardens that don’t get a lot of direct sunshine. Just keep in mind that elephant ears don’t do well with frost, so it’s best not to plant them in areas that experience this.
Bird of paradise
This plant is ideal for those wishing to bring a bright and colourful, low-maintenance plant to their tropical garden. The bird of paradise is a mid-height plant with beautiful flowers that resemble a bird in flight. These plants are a member of the banana family and love tropical climates, so are best planted in sunny spots (but can tolerate a little shade). They don’t always require regular watering and don’t shed leaves, making them great for those looking for an easy-going plant.
Clumping bamboo
Need a screening plant for your tropical garden? Take a look at the many varieties of clumping bamboo. These plants are fast-growing, allowing you to quickly see the transformation of your garden. Some types can grow as tall as 12ft, meaning great screening options! Varieties of clumping bamboo include Chinese dwarf bamboo, ghost bamboo, and slender weavers bamboo. For more information on these plants, check out our types of clumping bamboo blog post.
Positioning of your garden
The plants you choose will also depend on the positioning of your garden. It’s important to keep in mind whether your garden receives many hours of full sun, or has gets lots of shade, before choosing the plants you wish to include in your tropical garden. Once you’ve worked out the level of sunshine or shade your garden receives, you can do research into the types of tropical plants to include in your new garden!