Home » Tips on How to Prepare Your Lawn for the Colder Months

Tips on How to Prepare Your Lawn for the Colder Months


Jumper season is here and it comes with its unique set of responsibilities for property owners. One of the most common responsibilities to stay on top of as temperatures drop is lawn care.

You may be inclined to think that the colder months will finally free you from this important task but proper lawn care during autumn and winter is actually critical to “revival” in the spring – no rest for you yet. Our gardening experts and professional lawn care services have these tips on how to get your lawn ready for the chilly months ahead.

  1. Fertilise before it gets incredibly nippy especially if you want newly planted perennials to bloom healthily once the weather warms up. Also, spreading organic compost during the cold months is an effective weed control strategy.
  1. Aerate your soil. Make sure that soil is not compacted because it will suffocate grass and other plants’ roots. Hire a professional lawn care service if you’re not certain about the correct way to go about this particular task. Aeration and coring will loosen compacted soil so roots get the air, water and other nutrients they need to withstand the harsh cold of autumn and winter.
  1. Another solution to compacted soil that you should consider using, especially if you’re from an area (like Wimmera region of Victoria) that has heavy clay soils is gypsum, this will break apart the soil and allow water and air to properly reach grass and plant roots.
  1. Conduct a pH level test for your soil especially if you intend to apply boosters (chalk or pulverized limestone) to ensure growth in the spring. If the pH level of your soil is 5.5 or higher, you can skip the lime.
  1. Before the snow hits (in areas like the High Country of Victoria and Tasmania), mow your lawn for the last time and make sure to cut grass at about 4 to 6 cms. Lower the height of your mower by 1.3 to 2.5 cms in order to achieve this ideal height for grass for autumn and winter. It’s better to keep grass shorter during the cold months because long grass can smother itself and develop diseases in the winter freeze. Don’t cut shorter than the recommended height though because the crown might get exposed to the harsh weather.
  1. If you have a severe winter ahead, protect your plants from the frost by covering them with light frames. Just make sure to remove the cover come morning to prevent your plants from getting overheated.
  1. Clean up your lawn – get rid of fallen leaves and make sure to identify diseased twigs and leaves if you intend to add the pile to your compost.