Home » How to Get Rid of Rampant Armyworms in your Lawn

How to Get Rid of Rampant Armyworms in your Lawn

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Keeping your lawn in top condition requires ongoing maintenance, which includes protecting it from ravenous pests like the armyworm. Unlike the harmless earthworm, armyworms are destructive insects that can quickly deteriorate a lawn if left unchecked.

If you fear these bugs may have taken up residence in your yard, or you want to prevent them from being tempted over in the first place, then here are some of the best ways to get rid of armyworms as part of your garden pest control.


Identifying Armyworms

As their name suggests, these worm-like creatures can be found munching on leaves and burrowing into your soil. But did you know that they’re not really worms? Armyworms are actually classed as caterpillars in the larval stage of armyworm moths. Like any other army, the pests work quickly and move in linear patterns across lawns. By ravaging through leaves, foliage, and grass, armyworms can leave your lawn looking less than desirable. As with any problem, the first step to treating it is identifying it, and here are some of the best ways to spot an armyworm infestation:


Armyworms favour hot climates, so are more likely to be found in the NT, ACT, and QLD. That being said, they are able to tolerate mild winters, and have been known to ravage gardens further south, too.

Camouflage colours

Spotting armyworms can be tricky, as in keeping with their name, they can easily camouflage with foliage, ranging in colour from green to brown and black. They grow up to 4 centimetres long, and can have a green, yellow, brown, or red stripe along the length of their body.

Quality check

If you’re having trouble identifying armyworms in your yard, then look out for signs that they’re there instead. If leaves in your yard are looking ragged or sparse, or you notice patches of discoloured grass in your lawn, that could be a sign of an armyworm infestation. One way to test your lawn for armyworms is to try and encourage them out from underground. You can do this by combining dish soap with water, pouring that over a patch of grass, and waiting 15 minutes to see what emerges. Armyworms move through yards quickly, so if you suspect that armyworms are there but they don’t come out the first time, you can repeat this over another patch of your lawn.

Moth activity

Another way to spot an armyworm presence is to head out to your yard at nighttime armed with a torch. Moths love light, so shining your light for as little as a couple of minutes could draw in an unusual amount of activity. Seeing as armyworm moths are the adult stage of the insect, a heightened number of these would suggest that the larval armyworm is also there, hiding out underground.

Silk webbing

While you’re outside at night with your torch, you can also scan your lawn, plants, and foliage for a silk-like webbing. Caterpillars weave this out of their saliva, which means that the presence of this webbing is a clear indication that caterpillars are around.

Getting Rid of Armyworms

Armyworms are hyper-mobile, and can lay as many as 1,000 eggs in just one month, so it’s important to be thorough when taking on armyworm lawn control.

Natural solutions for Armyworm control

One way to get rid of armyworms is by introducing good bugs. These are insects that help protect your yard from predators, and include lacewings, praying mantis, and tachinid flies. If you’re conscious of using chemical pesticides in your yard, this is a great option that will help get rid of armyworms, and will also benefit the natural environment too.

Chemical treatments for severe infestations

If the infestation is too far gone, then applying a pesticide will likely be your only option. Lucky for you and your yard, there are plenty of products available now that will take care of armyworms without putting pets or small children at risk. Acelepryn is one such insecticide which can be used both as prevention and cure. If you want to get ahead of any potential problems, we suggest applying this in spring just before the temperatures begin to rise.

Jim’s Expert Advice

Lawn and garden maintenance can be a time-consuming process that requires commitment and knowledge. If you want a hand getting your yard under control, or assistance tending to plants to help them reach their full potential, then get in touch with the Jim’s Mowing team today!