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Plant Propagation Guide


The term ‘plant propagation’ refers to the process by which new plants are grown from existing ones. There are a few different ways to do this, and it can be a great option for keen gardeners looking for a low-cost way to grow their garden.

plant propagation

Propagation vs Sowing New Seeds

You may find yourself wondering why you would go to the effort of propagating plants when you can just go to your local garden centre or nursery and pick out something new. As we mentioned before, a big benefit of propagating your plants at home is the money you can save, but that’s not the only benefit.

Gardening is something that many people find enjoyable and therapeutic- a nice hobby that offers a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life and tasks. For these hobby gardeners, propagating plants is an extra skill they can add to their gardening repertoire, with the reward of a few more beautiful new blossoms in their yard.

Taking a plant that you have been caring for and growing a new plant from it is something that countless dedicated gardeners take pride in. If this is something that appeals to you, but you don’t know where to start, keep reading for our plant propagation tips and tricks!

Top Techniques

Before you dig into plant propagation, you’ll first need to read up on the different ways to go about it, so that you can choose the best method for your plant.

From seed

Growing new plants from an existing plant’s seed is probably the first thing that springs to mind when you hear about plant propagation. This is a versatile method, as, when done properly, it works for the majority of plants.

The first step in the process is obtaining the seeds, which are usually produced after the plant has finished flowering. Because of this, you should avoid deadheading flowers prematurely, as there won’t be viable seeds for you to use. Some seeds may need some extra TLC to help them germinate, so be sure to research the specific plant you’re after to find out about its unique needs.

You should also consider whether your plant is open-pollinated (naturally pollinated), or a hybrid plant. Hybrid plants are artificially crossed, and propagating their seeds might result in plants that appear different from the parent plant.

Plant division

This method of propagation involves taking a section of the parent plant that has roots attached, and replanting it on its own. This is a fantastic option for plants that are at risk of outgrowing their pot or yard space, saving the existing plant and giving you a new one to add to your collection.

To divide plants without causing damage, use a garden fork to carefully dig around the root and tease the root ball apart, freeing up a section for you to remove. Be sure to replant this into high-quality potting mix with mulch for added protection, and water it regularly to ensure optimum conditions for growth.

Grow from cuttings

Most indoor plants can be grown from cuttings of existing ones. To propagate a plant from cuttings, choose a healthy stem and cut a section of at least 15 centimetres in length from it, ensuring that the cutting has at least a couple of nodes on it. There are two ways you can set the cutting up for propagation; in water, or in moist propagating mix. If growing in water, change the water weekly, and be sure not to fully submerge the cutting.

Once set up, the cutting should be left in a bright location, but not in direct sunlight, and kept warm to mimic a greenhouse environment. This will help the roots and shoots to develop faster. When you see roots forming, this means that the new plant has begun to grow! At this stage, you can move it into a more permanent pot to continue looking after it along with the rest of your plants.

Get In Touch

At Jim’s Mowing, we take a hands-on approach to lawn and gardening services. If you’re struggling or in need of some assistance to get your plants in tip-top shape, contact our expert team to help bring your garden to life.