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How to Grow Plants from Cuttings

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No matter if you are working with a small balcony garden or your very own urban jungle, growing plants from cuttings is an easy way to expand your existing collection of plants without having to take a trip to the nursery. Learning to propagate is also a great skill for any aspiring gardener who is keen to understand more about plants and embrace their green thumb.

As experienced gardeners ourselves, we’ve created this handy guide explaining what propagating is, how to do it and other related tips for growing new plants from cuttings. Read on to learn more!

What is propagating?

Simply put, propagating is the process of growing new plants from seeds, cuttings and other plant parts. To grow a new plant from the cutting of another plant, also known as the ‘parent plant’, is a type of propagation.

What are the benefits of growing plants from cuttings?

One of the major advantages to growing a new plant from a cutting is that you don’t have to spend money purchasing a new one! All you need is some soil and some garden space or a pot or a container to house your new plant. It’s also a great (and affordable) gift idea!

Trimming and pruning your plants helps encourage new and stronger growth so cutting your parent plant to propagate is the best of both worlds! You can trim your existing plant to improve the overall appearance and shape, and then use the cuttings to produce new growth.

If you have a particularly gorgeous, luscious and/or healthy plant, you can ‘clone’ it by propagating! Unlike growing by seed, growing your new plant with a cutting means it will have the same special characteristics as its parent.

What plants are best suited for propagation?

Many plants can be propagated, but a general rule is it will need to produce root nodes on its stems or vines. Root nodes are the buds or bumps which are found below a leaf or the side stem, and how a plant can sprout new roots to produce a new plant.

Perennial plants are usually a favourite to be grown from cutting as they have a longer life cycle compared to annual plants. But you can also propagate an annual plant, such as basil, in the autumn and replant the new plants to grow in spring.

Indoor plants tend to be an easy choice for propagating, but you can also grow outdoor plants from cuttings. Our recommendations are Devil’s Ivy, Coleus, Spider Plants, Hydrangeas, Monsteras and herbs include Mint, Basil and Rosemary.

5 step guide on growing plants from cuttings

Growing a new plant from a cutting is easier than you may initially expect! Follow this simple five step process to grow your own plants. Before you get started, make sure you have all the necessary equipment.

You’ll need:

  • Garden shears/pruners/scissors
  • Glass jar or container
  • Pot
  • Fresh soil
  • Gardening gloves
  1. Take a cutting

    Take a cutting of your chosen plant using your pruners or scissors by cutting a healthy stem below a node.

    Choose a cutting

  2. Remove leaves and flowers

    Remove any flowers or leaves which are close to the node as they will likely be submerged in water and will rot.

    remove leaves and flowers from your cutting

  3. Place cutting in water

    Pop your cutting into the glass jar or vessel and place it in a spot where it will receive moderate sunlight. Keep in mind that this step can be optional. Some woody plants, including citrus, will rot in water before they develop roots so they are best propagated in soil.

    place your glass cutting in a glass jar

  4. Keep an eye on your cutting

    Now it’s time to keep an eye on your cutting as the roots grow. Refresh the water regularly every few days or so, to prevent any murkiness and fungi growing. A glass vessel means you will be able to see how your roots are progressing and after the root is longer than 1 inch (which can take at least 4-6 weeks), you are ready to plant!

    watch the grass roots grow on your plant cutting

  5. Plant your cutting

    Your cutting is ready to be planted! Pot your plant into its new home with good quality potting mix and water. You can help fertilise your new plant with a seaweed diluted mixture and place it in a sunny position.

    Pot your cuttings in soil

Learn more about gardening with Jim’s Mowing!

You can find more helpful tips and tricks for growing your garden by checking out the gardening section of our blog. Alternatively, you can let the expert team at Jim’s Mowing handle all your garden-related needs with our professional gardening services.