When it comes to lawn care, the question of whether you can mow wet grass usually occurs when unexpected rain or flooding interferes with your gardening plans. After some wet weather, your lawn will likely undergo a growth spurt and may be looking overgrown. But should you mow wet grass?
Usually, it is not recommended to mow your lawn when it is still wet. It is best to wait until your lawn is dry before you attempt to cut the grass. As professional lawn care experts, we explain why we don’t recommend mowing a wet lawn and how to best go about it if you need to mow your lawn immediately.
Why you shouldn’t mow your wet lawn
Mowing wet grass is not good for the overall health and appearance of your lawn. Regardless of whether your lawn is wet from the sprinklers or an afternoon shower, mowing it while it is still wet can create a world of problems. We recommend getting in touch with an expert from Jim’s mowing before landscaping yourself.
As wet grass tends to lie flat, cutting your lawn when wet will create an uneven finish as it dries. You’ll be left with patches of longer and shorter grass which will take some time and effort (as well as patience) to then try to make level. Wet grass is also harder to cut so mowing can leave the grass blades bruised, torn and ripped from the roots which puts your lawn under more stress.
Scattered grass clippings from mowing provide some of the lost nutrients back into your lawn, however when wet these clippings clump together. Not only does this look unattractive on your lawn, but they restrict the airflow and sunlight which damages your lawn and can lead to disease.
Mowing your wet lawn can damage your equipment and even puts you at risk. Wet grass is a slipping hazard and using an electric lawn mower or whipper snipper can cause electric shock. Damp or wet grass blades can stick to the blades of your mower and block the vacuum so it will be less effective, need to be frequently cleaned and can even cause your mower to stop working completely.
How long should you wait to mow?
Wait until your lawn is completely dry before you begin mowing it. Touch the grass, especially in shady areas, to determine whether your lawn is dry. If your lawn has morning dew, which unlike rain only leaves light moisture on the leaves, let the grass have an hour or two of sun before mowing.
How to mow a wet lawn
Can’t wait to mow your wet lawn? If you must mow your lawn immediately, first check it is possible to do so. If there are visible puddles, wet soil or a sinking feeling when walking across the lawn then leave your lawn to dry out for another day. Otherwise, check that your mower’s blades are sharp and raise the height of your mower to reduce the volume of clippings.
Start by mowing a small row of your lawn and mow slower than usual. If your mower is struggling to cut the damp grass, it’s best to stop and wait to mow another day. Trying to force your mower may lead to it overheating or breaking. Continuously empty the mower basket and keep an eye on your blades to avoid clogging.
After you’ve finished mowing your lawn, clean the blades of your mower. Leaving wet grass on your blades can create damage and leave a pretty horrible smell. Also spread out any clumps of grass clippings left on your lawn.
Call the experts
If you don’t have the right equipment or are unsure whether you can mow your wet lawn, get in touch with us! As professional lawn care experts, we will be able to assess whether your lawn is dry enough to be mowed and ensure it isn’t damaged in the process of cutting the grass. Learn more about our lawn mowing service and other gardening services.