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Cat-Friendly Plants


Cats can make fantastic pets! They’re generally pretty low maintenance, yet still provide a soft, sweet little soul to come home to. However, they do have a bit of a tendency to be curious! Whether it’s jumping onto places they shouldn’t, chewing on things they shouldn’t, or climbing up the flyscreens, cats can be mischievous things. If that’s not a good enough reason to create a haven for your pet

Due to this tendency to explore, if you have cats in your household, it can be good to ensure the plants you keep are cat safe plants. In this article, we take a look at a range of different cat-friendly plants, so you can relax, knowing even the most exploratory taste-testing kitty will be safe. Keep reading to learn a little bit about some non-toxic plants for cats!

Areca Palm

This popular houseplant is great for those looking for an indoor palm that is safe for kitties. These trees like to be placed bright, indirect light and can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Areca Palms need a little bit of care and maintenance in order to be their best and as such, are more-suited to gardeners with a bit of experience. 

Sword Fern

These cute little plants have a real lush, rainforest vibe about them. Sword Ferns are non-toxic to cats and can make great little additions to a room or outdoor garden. These ferns are adaptable and can be grown in a variety of conditions, although they prefer semi-shady spots. They don’t require a lot of water once established, making them great for those who can be a bit forgetful from time to time! 

Spider Plant

Spider Plants have long, thin, green leaves that grow in a bunch and have white features on them. These cat-friendly plants – also sometimes referred to as Hens and Chickens – are hardy, making them a great choice for beginner gardeners looking for cat safe indoor plants. Spider Plants like to be placed in a spot that receives bright, indirect light. They can handle a little bit of neglect, making them a good houseplant choice for busy people!

Staghorn Fern

The Staghorn Fern is a cat-friendly plant for those looking for something a little different. These plants are air plants, meaning they grow without the need for soil. They can often be found mounted onto trees or the sides of houses, and offer an interesting way to break up the monotony of an outside wall. These plants like filtered light, and should be placed in a spot where they are away from strong winds. Staghorn Ferns don’t require a lot of water, making them an interesting hardy choice.