Winter is here — when this season rolls around, most property owners tend to think that it’s finally time to take a break from lawn care because
it’s just pointless to fight nature. But winter actually demands special lawn care tasks, regardless of your location; some things still need to be done.
Weed control, for one, is a year-long responsibility, especially if you’re from an area that doesn’t get much snow or frost in the winter (like the southern parts of the country). There are weeds that thrive through the changing seasons; therefore, you simply cannot forgo weed control. Also, if you want to reduce your lawn care issues for spring and summer, preventive solutions must be carried out in the winter (ideally, during the latter part of the season).
Now, when it comes to killing weeds in winter, you need to have a strategic approach, especially if you’re not keen on weed pulling because it’s so chilly out. Here are some tips to help you kill off the invaders this season. Implement them this season and come spring, you’ll surely have fewer lawn issues to deal with.
- Find a good herbicide that is powerful enough to kill weeds but does not cause damage to your lawn. Go online to find some suggestions from garden experts and look through reviews and ratings to see how truly effective the options sold on the market are.
- Clearly identify the grass varieties you have in your lawn to determine which herbicides won’t cause damage to it. If you mostly have Kikuyu and couch, herbicides with the ingredient Dicamba are perfectly safe to use. However, if you have buffalo, it would be best to stick to options without the said ingredient and opt for those that are truly formulated for that grass variety.
- Another effective way to kill off weeds in the winter is to spread a new layer of fertiliser. There are formulations that can remove weeds and fertilise the lawn at the same time. Just make sure the product is compatible with the grass varieties in your lawn.
- If you have dandelions, spot-treating them can be done with white vinegar. Pour white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it directly on the dandelions to kill them off. White vinegar is also effective against crabgrass which normally proliferates from spring to fall, but if you find some in your lawn during the winter (because they truly are resilient), get that vinegar spray ready to make sure it doesn’t reappear in the spring.
- Call the professional and friendly staff at Jim’s Mowing on %%PHONE_NUMBER%% or book online for a free no obligation quote! Jim’s Mowing can take care of all of your garden’s needs.